Thursday, April 12, 2012

VIDEO - Chicago Fire's Dominic Orduro is Fast, Freaky Fast

What happens when Dominic Oduro puts his salary on the line to prove how fast he is?

Well.... that's a lot to fight for. And you can only imagine how fast one of the fastest players in the league is going to run to protect his earnings.

"@FreakyFast8" on Twitter easily claims his end of the bet, a jelly donut from "Touchline TV" host Brendan Hannan.

Next up? Usain Bolt?

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  1. Ok, as a Fire fan I have to say that this is the kind of marketing the club has just NEVER done. Brilliant - puts Oduro's talent front and center while also showing the player in a context that allows his warmth and sense of humor to come through. Great.

    More like this, please, Fire marketing nerds.

  2. wooow he is really fast and I liked the the video and I just read the comment by Sean Spence and I wondered if that was really part of a marketing strategy or just for the fun of it, what are your thoughts about this??


"Anyone who tells me soccer is boring, I'm going to punch them in the face."
- Former Dallas Burn (aka FC Dallas) coach Dave Dir

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